July 3, 2011

BlackBerry Curve 8900 Smartphone Version: 4.6.1 user guide

This blackbbery the curve 8900 smartphone user guide containing the information you will be a need for it. A guide from this blackbbery 8900 manual and instructions, such as for how to use the telephone to blackberry 8900 basics, shortcuts, including typing, browser, and the media, and many more from basic setup until Advanced. ShortcutsPhoneMessagesAttachmentsCamera and video cameraMediaBrowserDate, time and alarmPersonal organizerNotification keyboardSearchSynchronizationBluetooth technologyGPS technologyMapsBlackBerry profilesTypingLanguageDisplay and MessengerApplicationsWireless network coveragePower, battery and memorySIM cardSecurityService books and diagnostic reportsBrickBreakerGlossaryLegal message

Download the BlackBerry Curve 8900 Smartphone Version: 4.6.1 User Guide: BlackBerry Curve 8900 Smartphone Version: 4.6.1 user guide